"Easy to grow as an annual in the North! Moringa contains 46 antioxidants, 18 amino acids & is a complete protein. Easy to grow as an annual in the North! This is a very special dwarf variety from India. Unlike other varieties of moringa, this tree will remain short and is very well suited to container growing, which makes growing it in the U.S. much easier. Moringa is native to the tropics and the subtropics; container growing will allow you to bring your tree inside for the winter. This plant is prized for its very high-protein leaves, its rich concentration of minerals and vitamins, and its heavy load of anti-oxidants! Leaves, blooms, seeds and immature seedpods, called “drumsticks”, are edible; seeds are source of a high-quality oil. WARNING: Roots are reputed to be poisonous, do not eat!"
- Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds / RareSeeds.com