Image Source: High Mowing Organic Seeds. Used by Permission.
Image Source: High Mowing Organic Seeds. Used by Permission.

Kale “White Russian”

Regular price
$5.00 | Growing Now
Sale price
Full Sun
Container Friendly
Loamy Soil
Medium Height
Cold Tolerant
Plant Size: 18oz container, 6"-12" tall.

"Sweet, tender leaves with excellent frost tolerance.

Voted the best-tasting in our taste tests, with blue green leaves and white ribs that get sweeter in cold weather. Tolerates wet soils and just as hardy as the toughest Russian. Bred by Frank Morton of Wild Garden Seeds and released through the Open Source Seed Initiative. B. napus.

Open Source Seed, Tolerates wet soil, Very cold-hardy, 24-30" tall."

- High Mowing Organic Seeds